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Core Priorities

1) What: To precisely embed the new Compass curriculum initiatives across the whole school through distributed leadership.

   Why: The new curriculum initiatives ensure that ambitious intent is implemented effectively to ensure pupils receive the best possible experiences and the vast majority of children are on track.

2) What: To continue to precisely embed the EYFS curriculum.

    Why: The new curriculum initiatives ensure that gaps do not appear and the vast majority of children are on track.

3) What: To embed the new phonics programme in EYFS & KS1. Continue to ensure high quality reading lead to writing outcomes through text-led approach, the explicit teaching of SPAG and oracy.

    Why: Gaps close and children make expected or better progress in reading and writing.

4) What: To precisely embed the Compass approach to writing across the whole schools.

    Why: Writing is a fundamental skill that not only facilitates effective communication but also supports cognitive development, academic achievement, career readiness, and personal growth.

5) What: To ensure all pupils are highly motivated to attend school and display the highest expectations for their behaviour.

    Why: Pupils deserve to experience a safe, calm, orderly, positive environment, where they feel worthy of and in receipt of care, enabling motivation, independence and success in achievement.